
The Name…

Many people agonize over what to name their child, their car, their company, and even their blog. I came up with the name Bella Vista after having a conversation with my grandfather about life in Panama. His home country… he told me about this beautiful place in Panama called Bella Vista that had such a ” beautiful view”. It’s always nice to hear his stories about his native land. According to him, there is no other place in the world that has larger mango’s ( I haven’t been yet, but I’ll get there soon).

One thing I absolutely loved doing as a child, was traveling with my family. My father is an over 2 MILLION mile flyer… yes… MILLION ( He has lifetime status on United Airlines). We traveled both domestically and internationally. My favorite domestic destination was Hawaii. We always stayed at a resort called the Waikoloa. I’ll discuss that more in another post. My favorite International destination has been Singapore. I created this blog, to share with the world my love of traveling.

I am currently a 6th grade teacher, looking for a new career. Trying to find that niche that brings me joy, because trust me 25 6th graders is NOT the joy I am looking for in life. Sit back, and enjoy the wit of Bella Vista Trvlr

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